Friday, March 20, 2009

Reborn Baby Dolls

Reborn Baby dolls:Crazy Crap, or Lively Love?????????????????????????

Friday, February 13, 2009

Chris Brown Case: Did he do it????

I need your opinion on this.So apperently Chris Brown beat up Rihanna????He was sent to jail then let out on $50,000 bond.Should he have?Did Rihanna deserve it?What really happened???Why won't Chris comment???Give your piece of the story.WHY CHRIS WHY????????????????????

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentines Day:Big deal or just another holiday???

So my people of da blogging nation:is v day somethin to get xcited about or is it just another day in your life??remember:Live a life not a lie

Kanye West: Potential or Denial

As a new blogger, I would give an opinion stating that Kanye has Potenial.I mean, "Homecoming"
hits home.Flashing lights and Stronger are two of the greatest songs hes produced. My personal fav song of all time is "heartless." I'm just waiting to see what gold he comes up with next.Cool J message of the day: Live a Life, not a Lie